Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Welcome World to the Volkman's Blog!!!

We have finally caught up with technology, and our new baby girl (scheduled to make her initial debut in February 2009) is the inspiration behind this blog, so that all of our friends and family can keep up to date with the Volkman's.  I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "why in the world would I want to keep up with the Volkman's...they're so boring" but we assure you that our lives are about to be anything BUT boring come February! Love, Heather and Ben


Lindsay said...

I am so happy for you two.. cant wait to see the lil nugget! Love Lindsay

Jen Watson said...

Your blog is so cute! Im glad you can keep us all updated on this. Cant wait to meet Bella! Love you guys.

Nana Volkman said...

I would never say that the Volkmans are boring! I am so proud of all you are both doing to be the best parents ever and to prepare for the arrival of Isabella! It is great for us to be able to watch the growth of our granddaughter (Heather's Belly) no matter where we are at the time. We, as all have said, can't wait to meet Bella! Love, Nana Volkman