Thursday, December 11, 2008

Embarrassing Husband Moment

Today at Kaiser Ben and I attended a class called 'Newborn Care'.  Basically the class was an overview on what we can expect to happen at the hospital after the baby is born, and basic information to care for a newborn, such as bathing, diapering, feeding, etc.  The instructor is going through the slides on an overhead projector and it comes to a slide that talks about the Newborn Club.  This is where we will be going 24-48 hours after we are discharged from the hospital.  At this appointment they will check to make sure the baby is eating well, hasn't lost too much weight, check for jaundice, and look at the overall health of the baby.  At the bottom of the slide it said "have diapers and wipes, just bring your baby and yourself".  Once the instructor went over all the newborn club information, she asked the group what we thought the most popular reason people would go back to the newborn club after that initial visit.  To my embarrassment Ben shouts out, "DIAPERS!".  I immediately knew what he was thinking, but the instructor as well as the other 30 or so people in the class thought he meant people would go back to get help with changing the baby's diapers.  Anyone who knows Ben well enough would know that he meant that people went back for the free diapers, wipes, etc. Apparently no one got his joke, and the answer was breastfeeding. (See first blog entry, regarding what keeps Ben up at 

My dad tends to say embarrassing things too, and I asked my mom if she got embarrassed by him, and her response was "all the time".  Is this something that all dads do?